American Trivia Quiz Book
American Trivia Quiz Book
Just How Much Do You Know About Our Great Nation?
Recent surveys reveal that more Americans can name at least two members of the Simpsons’ cartoon family than can name the first four American presidents in order. Richard Lederer and Caroline McCullagh have written the American Trivia Quiz Book to make your knowledge of our nation’s history at least match the nation’s knowledge of The Simpsons.
The American Trivia Quiz Book brims with fascinating facts about the people, places, and events that make our nation great, with a series of fun and informative quizzes on subjects ranging from Columbus to baseball. There are questions about presidents and first ladies, explorers and inventors, heroes and poets. Impress (and stump) your friends with your knowledge of all things American. In the process, you’ll find our national gifts of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to be even more precious.